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Sunday, May 17, 2020


Compiled by H. P. Grice’s Play Group
Deposited at The Bodleian

H. P. Grice, M. A. Lit. Hum. (Philos.), FBA.
St. John’s, Oxford

Ackermann, R. The Philosophy of Karl Popper Amherstof MA
Addis, L. Gustav Bergmann
Adorno, Theodore and Max Horkheimer 1944 Dialectic of EnlightenmentPhilosophical Fragments; pub in book form 1947; G S Noerr,E Jephcott StanfordStanford , 2002
Agostini, F D 1997 Analitici e Continentali MilanRaffaello Cortina
Ahmed, Arif 2008 ‘W V Quine’, in Misak 2008290–338
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1931 ‘On the Meaning of Exions’,in Ajdukiewicz 19781–34; orig pub in Polish
1934‘Language and Meaning’,in Ajdukiewicz 197835–66; orig pub in Polish
1934‘The World-Picture and the Conceptual Apparatus’,in Ajdukiewicz 197867–89; orig pub in Polish
1949 Problems and Theories of Philosophy,Henryk Skolimowski and Anthony Quinton CambridgeCambridge , 1973
1974 Pragmatic Logic DordrechtD Reidel
1978 The Scientific World-Perspective and Other Essays, 1931–1963, J Giedymin DordrechtD Reidel
Akehurst, Thomas L 2008 ‘The Nazi TraditionThe Analytic Critique of Continental Philosophy in Mid-century Britain’, History of European Ideas 34548–57
British Analytic PhilosophyThe Politics of an Apolitical Culture’, History of Political Thought 30678–92
The Cultural Politics of Analytic PhilosophyBritishness and the Spectre of Europe LondonContinuum
Alexander, Samuel 1914 ‘The Basis of Realism’, Proceedings of the British Academy 6279–314
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On H. P. Grice in Philosophy of Language – Grice as ideationist
 and George Nakhnikian  1963 Readings in Twentieth-Century Philosophy LondonMacmillan/Free  of Glencoe
Ambrose, Alice 1966 Essays in Analysis LondonGeorge Allen & Unwin
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Anellis, Irving H 2005‘Bergmann, Gustav 1906–87’, in Shook 2005, I209–12
Nagel, Ernest 1901–85’, in Shook 2005, III1787–90
Tarski, Alfr1901–83’, in Shook 2005, IV2380–4
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Intention OxfordBlackwell; 2nd edn 1963
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An Introduction to Wittgenstein’s Tractatus LondonHutchinson; 2nd edn 1963; 3rd edn 1967; 4th edn 1971
CollectPhilosophical Papers, 3 vols Minneapolisof Minnesota
and P T Geach 1961 Three Philosophers OxfordBlackwell
Arana, Andrew and Carlos Alvarez  2013 Analytic Philosophy and the Foundations of Mathematics BasingstokePalgrave Macmillan
Armendt, Brad 2001 ‘Frank P Ramsey’, in Martinich and Sosa 2001a139–47
Armour, Leslie 2006 ‘McTaggart, John McTaggart Ellis 1866–1925’, in Grayling, Pyle, and Goulder 2006, III2047–51
A Materialist Theory of the Mind LondonRoutledge & Kegan Paul; rev edn 1993
1978 Universals and Scientific Realism CambridgeCambridge
A World of States of Affairs CambridgeCambridge
‘Black SwansThe Formative Influences in Australian Philosophy’, in Brogaard and Smith 200111–17
Truth and Truthmakers CambridgeCambridge
and Norman Malcolm 1984 Consciousness and CausalityA Debate on the Nature of Mind OxfordBlackwell
Arrington, R and H-J Glock  1991 Wittgenstein’s Philosophical Investigations LondonRoutledge
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Asmus, Walter 1968/1970 Johann Friedrich Herbart Eine pädagogische Biographie, 2 vols HeidelbergQuelle & Meyer
Aspray, William and Philip Kitcher  1988 History and Philosophy of Modern Mathematics Minneapolisof Minnesota
Aune, B.
On H. P. Grice at Oxford.
On Grice reading Aune’s avowals – where Aune mentions ‘utterer’s implying”
‘Feigl and the Development of Analytic Philosophy at the of Minnesota’,wwwumassedu/philosophy/PDF/Aune/feiglpdf 28 May 2012
Austin, J L
On Grice, “I don’t give a hoot what the dictionary says” “What’s where you make your big mistake
Other Minds’, Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society,  20; repr in Austin 197976–116
Truth’, Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society,  24; repr in Austin 1979117–33
Unfair to Facts’, in Austin 1979154–74; orig written 1954
A Plea for Excuses’, Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 56; repr in Chappell 196441–63; also repr in Austin 1979175–204
How to Do Things with Words, J O Urmson and M Sbisà OxfordOxford
Sense and Sensibilia, G J Warnock OxfordOxford
Philosophical Papers, 3rd edn, J O Urmson and G J Warnock OxfordClarendon ; 1st edn 1961
Auxier, Randall E and Lewis Edwin Hahn  2006 The Philosophy of Jaakko Hintikka ChicagoOpen Court
Aand Lewis Edwin Hahn  2007 The Philosophy of Michael Dummett ChicagoOpen Court
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and Lewis Edwin Hahn  2013 The Philosophy of Hilary Putnam ChicagoOpen Court
Awodey, Steve 2007 ‘Carnap’s Quest for AnalyticityThe Studies in Semantics’, in Friedman and Creath 2007226–47and Carsten Klein  2004 Carnap Brought HomeThe View from Jena ChicagoOpen Court
Ayer, A J
On H. P. Grice, Causal Theory of Perception, Aristotelian Society, symp. With L. J. Cohen
Cited by Grice as Oxford’s enfant terrible.
1936 Language, Truth and Logic LondonVictor Gollancz; 2nd edn 1946; repr LondonPenguin
Does Philosophy Analyse Common Sense?’, Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society,  16162–76
The Foundations of Empirical Knowledge LondonMacmillan
The Problem of Knowledge HarmondsworthPelican
Ayer, A J et al 1956 The Revolution in Philosophy LondonMacmillan
Logical Positivism Glencoe, ILThe Free
Philosophy and Language’ [inaugural lecture; repr in Lewis 1963401–28
The Origins of PragmatismStudies in the Philosophy of Charles Sanders Peirce and William James LondonMacmillan
Russell and MooreThe Analytical Heritage LondonMacmillan
Bertrand Russell LondonFontana
The Central Questions of Philosophy LondonWeidenfeld & Nicolson
Part of my Life OxfordOxford
Philosophy in the Twentieth Century LondonWeidenfeld & Nicolson
More of my Life OxfordOxford
Ludwig Wittgenstein LondonPenguin
Intellectual Autobiography’, in Hahn 19921–53
Ayer, A J and THonderich 1991 ‘An Interview with A J Ayer’, in Griffiths 1991209–26
Ayers, Michael 1978 ‘Analytical Philosophy and the History of Philosophy’, in Rée, Ayers, and Westoby 197842–66
Baggini, Julian and Jeremy Stangroom  2002 New British PhilosophyThe Interviews LondonRoutledge
Baillie, James 1996 Contemporary Analytic PhilosophyCore Readings Englewood Cliffs, NJPrentice Hall
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Baker, A J 1986 Australian RealismThe Systematic Philosophy of John Anderson CambridgeCambridge
Baker, G P
Alternative mind styles in PGRICE
On H. P. Grice
Wittgenstein, Frege and the Vienna Circle OxfordBlackwell
The Voices of WittgensteinLudwig Wittgenstein and Friedrich Waismann LondonRoutledge
 Wittgenstein’s MethodNeglectAspects, and introd Katherine J Morris OxfordBlackwell
and P M S Hacker 1980 WittgensteinUnderstanding and Meaning OxfordBlackwell; repub in 2 vols in paperback as Baker and Hacker 1983a and 1983b
 and P M S Hacker 1983An Analytical Commentary on Wittgenstein’s Philosophical Investigations OxfordBlackwell
 and P M S Hacker 1983WittgensteinMeaning and Understanding OxfordBlackwell
and P M S Hacker 1983‘Dummett’s Frege or Through a Looking-Glass Darkly’, Mind 92239–46
and P M S Hacker 1984FregeLogical Excavations OxfordBlackwell
 and P M S Hacker 1984Scepticism, Rules and Language OxfordBlackwell
 and P M S Hacker 1985 WittgensteinRules, Grammar and Necessity OxfordBlackwell; 2nd edn rev P M S Hacker, 2009
and P M S Hacker 1987 ‘Dummett’s DigLooking-Glass Archaeology’, Philosophical Quarterly 3786–99
 and P M S Hacker 1989 ‘The Last Ditch’, Philosophical Quarterly 39471–7
and P M S Hacker 2005WittgensteinUnderstanding and Meaning, Part IEssays, 2nd edn of Baker and Hacker 1983b, rev P M S Hacker OxfordBlackwell
and P M S Hacker 2005WittgensteinUnderstanding and Meaning, Part IIExegesis §§ 1–184, 2nd edn of Baker and Hacker 1983a, rev P M S Hacker OxfordBlackwell
Baldwin, James Mark 1901–2 Dictionary of Philosophy and Psychology, 3 vols LondonMacmillan
G E Moore LondonRoutledge
Analytical Philosophy’, in Craig 1998, I223–9
Contemporary Philosophy OxfordOxford
Bertrand Russell’, in Martinich and Sosa 2001a21–44
The Cambridge History of Philosophy 1870–1945 CambridgeCambridge
George Edward Moore’, The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy,platostanfordedu/entries/moore 28 May 2012
Philosophy of Language in the Twentieth Century’, in Lepore and Smith 200660–99
Bambrough, Renford 1974 WisdomTwelve Essays Totowa, NJRowman & Littlefield
Barcan, R. 1946 ‘A Functional Calculus of First Order Bason Strict Implication’, Journal of Symbolic Logic 111–16
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Barsky, Robert F 1997 Noam ChomskyA Life of Dissent Cambridge, MAMIT
Barwise, Jon and John Perry 1983 Situations and Attitudes Cambridge, MAMIT
Beaney, M FregeMaking Sense LondonDuckworth
What is Analytic Philosophy? Recent Work on the History of Analytic Philosophy’, British Journal for the History of Philosophy 6463–72
Collingwood’s Critique of Analytic Philosophy’, Collingwood and British Idealism Studies 899–122
Decompositions and TransformationsConceptions of Analysis in the Early Analytic and Phenomenological Traditions’, Southern JP,  40 Horgan et al 200253–99
Russell and Frege’, in Griffin 2003128–70
Susan Stebbing on Cambridge and Vienna Analysis’, in Stadler 2003339–50
Gottlob FregeThe Light and Dark Sides of Genius’ Essay Review of Lothar Kreiser, Gottlob FregeLeben—Werk—Zeit British Journal for the History of Philosophy 12159–68
‘Carnap’s Conception of ExplicationFrom Frege to Husserl?’, in Awodey and Klein 2004117–50
Frege, Russell and Logicism’ [shortenand revisversion of Beaney 2003a, in Beaney and Reck 2005, I213–40
Sinn, Bedeutung and the Paradox of Analysis’, in Beaney and Reck 2005, IV288–310
Collingwood’s Conception of Presuppositional Analysis’, Collingwood and British Idealism Studies 11241–114
Frege and the Role of Historical ElucidationMethodology and the Foundations of Mathematics’, in Ferreirós and Gray 200649–71
Soames on Philosophical Analysis’ Critical Notice of Scott Soames, Philosophical Analysis in the Twentieth Century, Philosophical Books 7255–71
Analytic Philosophy’, in Grayling, Pyle, and Goulder 2006, I85–92
Duncan-Jones, Austin Ernest 1908–67’, in Grayling, Pyle, and Goulder 2006, II916–17
Grice on Duncan-Jones’s “Fugitive Propositions”
Stebbing, Lizzie Susan 1885–1943’, in Grayling, Pyle, and Goulder 2006, IV3023–8
Analytic Philosophy’, in Brown 2006, I203–6
The Analytic TurnAnalysis in Early Analytic Philosophy and Phenomenology LondonRoutledge
The Analytic Turn in Twentieth-Century Philosophy’, introduction to Beaney 2007a1–30
Conceptions of Analysis in the Early Analytic and Phenomenological TraditionsSome Comparisons and Relationships’, in Beaney 2007a196–216 [abridgand revisversion of Beaney 2002
Frege’s Use of Function-Argument Analysis and his Introduction of Truth-Values as Objects’, Grazer Philosophische Studien 75 Greimann 200793–123
Is Analytic Philosophy an Illusion? A Reply to Preston’, The Bertrand Russell Society Quarterly 132–5 Quadruple Issue, November 2006–August 200727–34
Analysis’, The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy,platostanfordedu/entries/analysis 28 January 2013
Foreword’ to Candlish 2009 [2007ix–xi
Frege’, in Lee 2011, ch 1
Putting Analysis Rightfully Back into Analytic Philosophy’, Teorema 3087–94
Ordinary Language Philosophy’, in Russell and Fara 2012873–84
Logic and Metaphysics in Early Analytic Philosophy’, in Haaparanta and Koskinen 2012257–92
Analytic Philosophy and History of PhilosophyThe Development of the Idea of Rational Reconstruction’, in Reck 2013
Collingwood’s Critique of Oxbridge Realism’, in Boucher and Smith 2013
Frege’s Logicism and the Significance of Interpretive Analysis’, in Arana and Alvarez 2013
and Erich H Reck  2005 Gottlob FregeCritical Assessments of Leading Philosophers, 4 vols LondonRoutledge
Beiser, Frederick C 2011 The German Historicist Tradition OxfordOxford
Bell, D. Frege’s Theory of Judgement OxfordOxford
Husserl LondonRoutledge
The Revolution of Moore and RussellA Very British Coup?’, in O’Hear 1999193–208
and Neil Cooper  1990 The Analytic Tradition OxfordBlackwell
Benacerraf, P. What Numbers Could Not Be’, Philosophical Review 7447–73; repr in Benacerraf and Putnam 1983272–94
Mathematical Truth’, JP 70661–79
FregeThe Last Logicist’, in French et al 198117–36
and Hilary Putnam  1964 Philosophy of MathematicsSelectReadings Englewood Cliffs, NJPrentice-Hall; 2nd edn CambridgeCambridge , 1983
Bennett, J. F. New-Zealander.
On H. P. Grice in Linguistic Behaviour.
Correspondence with H. P. Grice
Cited by Grice in Preface to “Studies in the Way of Words”
Kant’s Analytic CambridgeCambridge
Locke, Berkeley, HumeCentral Themes OxfordOxford
Kant’s Dialectic CambridgeCambridge
Bentham, J. The Works of Jeremy Bentham, 11 vols Edinburgh
Essay on Logic’, in Bentham 1838–43, Vol 8213–93
Bergmann, G. The Metaphysics of Logical Positivism New YorkLongmans, Green, and Co; 2nd edn Madisonof Wisconsin , 1967; 3rd edn Westport, CTGreenwood , 1978
Strawson’s Ontology’, JP 57601–22; repr in Bergmann 1964
Bergmann, G. Logic and Reality Madisonof Wisconsin
Bergson, H. Matière et mémoire ParisAlcan;N M Paul and W S Palmer as Matter and Memory New YorkSwan Sonnenschein, 1911
Le Rireessai sur la signification du comique ParisAlcan;C Brereton and F Rothwell as LaughterAn Essay on the Meaning of the Comic LondonMacmillan, 1911
‘Introduction à la métaphysique’, Revue de métaphysique et de morale 291–36; repr in Bergson 1934;T E Hulme as Introduction to Metaphysics New YorkPutnam, 1912
L’Evolution créatrice ParisAlcan;Arthur Mitchell as Creative Evolution LondonMacmillan, 1911
La Pensée et le mouvant ParisAlcan;M L Andison as The Creative MindAn Introduction to Metaphysics New YorkPhilosophical Library, 1946
Berlin, I.
Conversations with H. P. Grice – they both went to Corpus and both had Hardie as tutor.
Karl MarxHis Life and Environment LondonHome Library; 2nd edn 1948; 3rd edn 1963; 4th edn 1978 OxfordOxford
Two Concepts of Liberty’ [inaugural lecture, in Berlin 1969118–72
Four Essays on Liberty OxfordOxford
Austin and the Early Beginnings of Oxford Philosophy’, in Berlin et al 19731–16
Essays on J L Austin OxfordClarendon
Concepts and CategoriesPhilosophical Essays LondonHogarth; repr OxfordOxford , 1980
The Proper Study of MankindAn Anthology of Essays LondonChatto & Windus
Bernstein, Richard 2010 The Pragmatic Turn CambridgePolity
Bertholet, René 1911 Un Romantisme UtilitaireÉtude sur le Mouvement Pragmatiste ParisF Alcan
Betti, Arianna 2010 ‘Kazimierz Twardowski’, The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy,platostanfordedu/entries/twardowski 28 May 2012
Beyer, Christian 2011 ‘Edmund Husserl’, The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy,platostanfordedu/entries/Husserl 28 May 2012
Biletzki, Anat 2003 OverInterpreting Wittgenstein DordrechtKluwer
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Birjukov, B V 1964 Two Soviet Studies on Frege,and I Angelelli DordrechtD Reidel
Bjork, Daniel W 1997 B F SkinnerA Life Washington, DCAmerican Psychological Association
Black, M.
On H. P. Grice’s theory of meaning. Literary History, repr. in book. Martinich: On Black on Grice.
Is Analysis a Useful Method in Philosophy?’, Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society,  1353–64
VaguenessAn Exercise in Logical Analysis’, Philosophy of Science 4427–55
Relations between Logical Positivism and the Cambridge School of Analysis’, Erkenntnis 824–35
Philosophical AnalysisA Collection of Essays Englewood Cliffs, NJPrentice-Hall
Introduction’, in Black 1950a1–13
Problems of AnalysisPhilosophical Essays Ithaca, NYCornell
Black, Max 1964 A Companion to Wittgenstein’s Tractatus CambridgeCambridge
Philosophy in America LondonGeorge & Unwin
The Labyrinth of Language HarmondsworthPenguin
Blackburn, S. W. Fellow Pembroke, Oxford.
Spreading the word – on H. P. Grice, one-off predicament.
 Essays in Quasi-Realism OxfordOxford
Ruling PassionsA Theory of Practical Reasoning OxfordOxford
Blackmore, J 1972 Ernst MachHis Work, Life, and Influence Berkeleyof California
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Blair, Daniel 2005 ‘Malcolm, Norman Adrian 1911–90’, in Shook 2005, III1589–93
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Blanshard, B. The Philosophy of Analysis’, Proceedings of the British Academy 38; repr in Lewis 196376–109
Reason and Analysis LondonGeorge Allen & Unwin
Reply to Mr Fogelin’, in Schilpp 1980725–41 [reply to Fogelin 1980
Block, Irving 1981 Perspectives on the Philosophy of Wittgenstein OxfordBlackwell
Block, N. Troubles with Functionalism’, Minnesota Studies in the Philosophy of Science 9261–325; repr in Block 1980, I268–306
Readings in the Philosophy of Psychology, 2 vols LondonRoutledge
Bloor, David 1976 Knowledge and Social Imagery LondonRoutledge; 2nd edn Chicagoof Chicago , 1991
Blumberg, Albert E and Herbert Feigl 1931 ‘Logical PositivismA New Movement in European Philosophy’, JP 28281–96
Boche?ski, I M 1956 Contemporary European Philosophy,D Nicholl and K Aschenbrenner Berkeleyof California ; orig pub in German, 1947
Boettcher, James W 2005 ‘Rawls, John Bordley 1921–2002’, in Shook 2005, IV2014–21
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Boisvert, Daniel R 2011 ‘Charles Leslie Stevenson’, The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy,platostanfordedu/entries/Stevenson 28 May 2012
Boltzmann, Ludwig 1872 ‘Weitere Studien über das Wärmegleichgewicht unter Gasmolekülen’, Wiener Berichte 66275–370; repr in Boltzmann 1909, I, ch 23
 Wissenschaft liche Abhandlungen, 3 vols, F Hasenöhrl LeipzigBarth; repr New YorkChelsea, 1969
Beyträge zu einer begründeteren Darstellung der Mathematik PragueCaspar Widtmann;S Russ as A Better GroundPresentation of Mathematics in Bolzano 200483–139
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Paradoxien des Unendlichen, Franz P?ihonský LeipzigReclam; selectionsDonald A Steele as Paradoxes of the Infinite LondonRoutledge & Kegan Paul, 1950; alsoS Russ in Bolzano 2004591–678
Bernard Bolzano Gesamtausgabe, c150 vols Stuttgart-Bad CannstattFrommann–Holzboog
The Mathematical Works of Bernard Bolzano, S Russ OxfordOxford
Bonk, Thomas 2003 Language, Truth and KnowledgeContributions to the Philosophy of Rudolf Carnap DordrechtKluwer
Boole, G. The Mathematical Analysis of Logic, Being an Essay Towards a Calculus of Deductive Reasoning CambridgeMacmillan; repr in CollectLogical Works, vol 1, R Rhees La Salle, ILOpen Court45–124
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Boolos, G. Logic, Logic, and Logic Cambridge, MAHarvard
Cited by Grice in “Vacuous names” in Words and objections.
Borchert, Donald M 2005 Encyclopedia of Philosophy, 2nd edn DetroitThomson Gale
Boring, E G 1929 A History of Experimental Psychology New YorkAppleton-Century-Crofts; 2nd edn 1950
Sensation and Perception in the History of Experimental Psychology New YorkAppleton-Century-Crofts; 2nd edn 1950
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Boundas, C. The Edinburgh Companion to Twentieth-Century Philosophies EdinburghEdinburgh
‘How to Recognize Analytic Philosophy’, in Boundas 2007a29–35
‘How to Recognize Continental European Philosophy’, in Boundas 2007a367–74
Bouveresse, J. ‘Why I am so very unFrench’, in Montefiore 19839–33
Bouwsma, O K 1986 WittgensteinConversations 1949–1951, J L Craft and R E Hustwit IndianapolisHackett
Braddon-Mitchell, David and Robert Nola  2009 Conceptual Analysis and Philosophical Naturalism Cambridge, MAMIT
Bradford, Dennis E 1981 ‘Moore, Russell, and the Foundations of Analytic Metaphysics’, Philosophy Research Archives 7553–81
Bradley, F H. The Presuppositions of Critical History’ OxfordJames Parker; repr in Bradley 19351–70
Ethical Studies, 2nd edn OxfordClarendon , 1927
The Principles of Logic, 2nd edn OxfordClarendon , 1922
Appearance and Reality LondonSwan Sonnenschein; 2nd edn 1897; 9th imion, OxfordClarendon , 1930
Essays on Truth and Reality OxfordOxford
‘Relations’, in Bradley 1935629–76
CollectEssays OxfordClarendon
The CollectWorks of F H Bradley, 12 vols, Carol A Keene and W J Mander BristolThoemmes
Braithwaite, R B Scientific ExplanationA Study of the Function of Theory, Probability and Law in Science CambridgeCambridge
Theory of Games as a Tool for the Moral Philosopher CambridgeCambridge
Brandl, J. Gilbert RyleA Mediator between Analytic Philosophy and Phenomenology’, Southern JP,  40 Horgan et al 2002143–51
Brandom, R. Making It Explicit Cambridge, MAHarvard
Articulating ReasonsAn Introduction to Inferentialism Cambridge, MAHarvard
Tales of the Mighty Dead Cambridge, MAHarvard
Between Saying and DoingTowards an Analytic Pragmatism OxfordOxford
eason in PhilosophyAnimating Ideas Cambridge, MAHarvard
Brandt R Ethical TheoryThe Problems of Normative and Critical Ethics Englewood Cliffs, NJPrentice-Hall
A Theory of the Good and the Right OxfordOxford
Brent, Joseph 1998 Charles Sanders PeirceA Life, 2nd edn Bloomington, INIndiana ; 1st edn 1993
Brentano, F. Psychologie vom empirischen Standpunkt LeipzigDuncker & Humblot; 2nd edn LeipzigFelix Meiner, 1924;A C Rancurello, D B Terrell, and L McAlister as Psychology from an Empirical Standpoint LondonRoutledge, 1973; 2nd edn 1995, introd Peter Simons
The Origin of the Knowledge of Right and Wrong,Cecil Hague WestminsterArchibald Constable; alsoRoderick Chisholm and Elizabeth Schneewind LondonRoutledge, 1969
Von der Klassifikation der psychischen Phänomene [repr of Brentano 1874, Vol 2, with additional material LeipzigDuncker und Humblot, 1911
Deskriptive Psychologie, R Chisholm and W Baumgartner HamburgMeiner;Benito Müller LondonRoutledge, 1995
Brink, David O 1989 Moral Realism and the Foundations of Ethics CambridgeCambridge
Brino-Dean, Terry 2005 ‘Cavell, Stanley Louis 1926–’, in Shook 2005, I459–63
Britton, K 1978 ‘Charlie Dunbar Broad, 1887–1971’, Proceedings of the British Academy 64289–310
Broad, C D 1914 Perception, Physics, and Reality CambridgeCambridge
Scientific Thought LondonKegan Paul
Critical and Speculative Philosophy’, in Muirhead 192477–100
The Mind and Its Place in Nature LondonKegan Paul – cited by Grice in “Personal identity,” Mind.
Five Types of Ethical Theory LondonKegan Paul
Examination of McTaggart’s Philosophy, Vol I CambridgeCambridge
Examination of McTaggart’s Philosophy, Vol II CambridgeCambridge
The Local Historical Background of Contemporary Cambridge Philosophy’, in Mace 195713–61
Autobiography’, in Schilpp 19593–68
Brogaard, Berit and Barry Smith  2001 Rationality and Irrationality/Rationalität und IrrationalitätProceedings of the 23rd International Wittgenstein Symposium Viennaöbv & hpt
Brooks, Thom 2006 ‘Hart, Herbert Lionel Adolphus 1907–92’, in Grayling, Pyle, and Goulder 2006, II1387–9
Brouwer, L E J 1908 ‘De onbetrouwbaarheid der logische principes’, Tijdschrift voor Wijsbegeerte 2152–8;as ‘The Unreliability of the Logical Principles’ in Brouwer 1975107–11
Intu I tionisme en Formalisme’, AmsterdamClausen; inaugural lecture;A Dresden as ‘Intuitionism and Formalism’, Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society 20 November 191381–96; repr in Benacerraf and Putnam 1964 [198377–89; also in Brouwer 1976123–38
Begründung der Mengenlehre unabhängig vom logischen Satz vom ausgeschlossenen Dritten Erster Teil, Allgemeine Mengenlehre’, KNAW Verhandelingen 51–43;in Brouwer 1975151–90
Besitzt jede reelle Zahl eine Dezimalbruchentwicklung?’, Mathematische Annalen 83201–10;as ‘Does Every Real Number Have a Decimal Expansion?’, in Mancosu 199828–35
‘Mathematik, Wissenschaft und Sprache’, Monatsheft e für Mathematik und Physik 36153–64;as ‘Mathematics, Science, and Language’ in Mancosu 199845–53; also in Brouwer 1975417–28
‘Die Struktur des Kontinuums’, Vienna;as ‘The Structure of the Continuum’ in Mancosu 199854–63; also in Brouwer 1976429–40
CollectWorks, Vol 1Philosophy and Foundations of Mathematics, A Heyting AmsterdamNorth-Holland
CollectWorks, Vol 2Geometry, Analysis, Topology and Mechanics, H Freudenthal AmsterdamNorth-Holland
Cambridge Lectures on Intuitionism, D van Dalen CambridgeCambridge ; lectures given 1946–51
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Personal identity
The logical construction theory of personal identity
Hume on personal identity
Urbana lectures on semantics
Lectures on trying, Brandeis
Lectures on negation
Lectures at Princeton
Lectures at Cornell
Dispositions and intentions
Davidson on intending
Reply to G E M Anscombe
How pirots karulise elatically: some simple ways
Some reflections about ends and happiness
Aspects of reason and reasoning
Credibility, Desirability and Mode Operators
Definite descriptions in Russell and in the vernacular
G. E. Moore and Philosopher’s Paradoxes
Indicative conditionals
Some models for implicature
Descartes on ‘clear and distinct’ perception
Scepticism and ordinary language
Metaphysics, Philosophical Eschatology, and Plato’s Republic
Retrospective epilogue
Prejudices and predilections; which become, the life and opinions of H. P. Grice
Wants and needs
Knowledge and belief
Lectures on C. S. Peirce
Thesaurus Griceianum
Reflections on morals
Paradoxes of entailment
Can I have a pain in my tail
Post-War Oxford Philosophy
Conceptual analysis and the province of philosophy
The Unwritten Doctrines
1948 1957 ‘Meaning’, Philosophical Review 66377–88; repr in P F Strawson, Philosophical Logic, Oxford Readings in Philosophy, Grice 1989213–23
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with J L Austin, Aristotle’s Categories
with G J Warnock The visum and other problems in the philosophy of perception

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