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Monday, May 18, 2020

H. P. Grice, "Aspects of reason and reasoning," Oxford.


acceptance 71-2 , 80-7
and certeris paribus condition 77
and modals 91-2
J-acceptance 51
moral 61 , 63 , 87
prudential 97-111
V-acceptance 51


Ackrill, J. L. 119-20
Aristotle 4-5 , 19 , 24-5 , 31 , 32 , 43 , 98-9 , 112-15 , 120 , 125
Austin, J. L. 99
Botvinnik 11 , 12 , 18

Categorical Imperative 4 , 70
chicken soul, immortality of 11-12
Davidson, Donald 45-8 , 68
descriptivism 92 ends 100-10
Equivocality thesis x-xv , 58 , 62 , 66 , 70 , 71 , 80 , 90
final cause 43-4 , 66 , 111
Frege, Gottlob 50
happiness 97-134
and H-desirables 114-18 , 120
and I-desirables 114-18 , 120 , 122 , 128
as a system of ends 131-4
as an end 97 , 113-15 , 119-20 , 123-8
Hardie, W. F. R. 119

hypothetical imperative 97 ,
see technical imperatives

Isaacson, Dan 30n.

incontinence 25 , 47
inferential principles 35
judging 51 ,
see acceptance

Kant 4 , 21 , 25 , 31 , 43 , 44-5 , 70 , 77-8 , 86-7 , 90-8

logical theory 61
meaning ix-x
and speech procedures 57-8
sentence meaning 68-9
what a speaker means 57-8 , 68
modes 68 ,
see moods moods xxii-xxiii , 50-6 , 59 , 69 , 71-2
embedding of mode-markers 87-9
judicative operator 50 , 72-3 , 90
volitive operator 50 , 73 , 90
mood operators , see
moods morality 63 , 98

Myro, George 40
Nagel, Thomas 64n.

necessity xii-xiii , xvii-xxiii , 45 , 58-9
and provability 59 , 60-2
and relativized and absolute modalities 56-66
principle of total evidence 47 , 80-7
principles of inference 5 , 7 , 9 , 22-3 , 26 , 35
see also reasons, and necessity  provability 59 , 60-2
radical 50-3 , 58-9 , 72 , 88
rationality : as faculty manifested in reasoning 5
flat and variable 28-36
proto-rationality 33
rational being 4 , 25 , 28-30
and value as value-paradigmatic concept 35
rationality operator xiv-xv , 50-1
reasonable 23-5
reasoning 4-28
and defeasibility 47 , 79 , 92
defined 13-14 , 87-8
and explanation xxix-xxxv , 8
first account of 5-6 , 13-14 , 26-8
good reasoning 6 , 14-16 , 26-7
special status of 35
the hard way of 17

incomplete reasoning 8-14
indeterminacy of 12-13
and intention 7 , 16 , 18-25 , 35-6 , 48-9
misreasoning 6-8 , 26
practical 46-50
probabilistic 46-50
as purposive activity 16-19 , 27-8 , 35
the quick way of 17
too good to be reasoning 14-18
reasons 37-66 altheic 44-5 , 49
division into practical and alethic 44 , 68
explanatory 37-9
justificatory 39-40 , 67-8
justificatory-explanatory 40-1 , 67
and modals 45 and necessity 44-5
personal 67
practical and non-practical (alethic) reasons compared xiixiii , 44-50 , 65 , 68 , 73-80
systematizing hypothesis 41-4 types of 37-44
Russell, Bertrand 50 satisfactoriness 60 , 87-9 , 95
technical imperatives 70 , 78 , 90 , 93-6 , 97
value 20 , 35 , 83 , 87-8
value paradigmatic concepts 35-6
von Wright 44
willing 50 , see acceptance
Wittengenstein, Ludwig 50

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