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Friday, October 24, 2014

Grecians and Griceians

for the GC

Seeing that R. O. Doyle is engaged in a study of "Grecian" philosophy I append below the publications list, which I found online, of the Oxford Prof. of Ancient Philosophy, M. Frede.


‘Bemerkungen zum Text der Aporienpassage in Platons Sophistes’, Phronesis !: "#$–

Prädikation und Existenzaussage. Platons Gebrauch von ‘… ist …’ und ‘… ist nicht …’
im Sophistes, Göttingen
Reviews—CW &$ ("'&(: ")$)Reesor | AC #! ("'&(: &()) des Places | RPh *# ("'&': #)')
des Places | Mnemosyne $# ("'!): *$%–*$&) Ferwerda | CR $) ("'!) $(–#)) Hamlyn

review of A von Fragstein, Die Diairesis bei Aristoteles, in Gnomon 41: 697–699

(with L Krüger), ‘Über die Zuordnung der Quantitäten des Urteils und der
Kategorien der Grösse bei Kant’, Kantstudien &": $(–*'

review of CL Stough, Greek Skepticism: A Study in Epistemology, in !e Journal of
Philosophy !): ()%–(")
* Updated $)""-)$-)#.—URI:!""#-bib.frede.pdf
Compiled by AU+Schmidhauser, with contributions by C Brittain, A+Bronowski, D+Caluori,
J-B Gourinat, K+Ierodiakonou, G Karamanolis, C+Kietzmann, GER Lloyd, and F Zika.
Please send additions to au$ (where ‘$’ stands for ‘@’).

/a/ Die stoische Logik, Abhandlungen der Akademie der Wissenscha,en in
Göttingen, phil.-hist. Klasse #. Folge Nr. ((, Göttingen
Reviews—Mnemosyne $' ("'!&: "''–$))) Edlow | Gnomon *' ("'!!: !(*–!')) Egli |
Mind (& ("'!!: $(&–$(') Lloyd | PhR (& ("'!!: $$&–$$') Mueller | PhRdschau $% ("'!(:
")$–""') von Fritz
/b/ ‘Stoic vs. Aristotelian Syllogistic’, Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie %&: "–#$
[= "'(!a: ''–"$*]
‘-e Origins of Traditional Grammar’, in RE Butts and J Hintikka (edd.), Historical
and Philosophical Dimensions of Logic, Methodology, and Philosophy of Science,
Dordrecht: %"–!'
[= "'(!a: ##(–#%']
/a/ ‘Individuen bei Aristoteles’, Antike und Abendland $*: "&–#'
[= "'(!a: *'–!" (in English)]
/b/ ‘Principles of Stoic grammar’, in J Rist (ed.), !e Stoics, Berkeley: $!–!%
[= "'(!a: #)"–##!]
‘Des Skeptikers Meinungen’, Neue He"e für Philosophie. Aktualität der Antike "%/"&:
[= "'(!a: "!'–$)) (in English)]
‘-e Original Notion of Cause’, in M Scho.eld et al. (edd.), Doubt and Dogmatism,
Oxford: $"!–$*'
[= "'(!a: "$%–"%); "'('b (in French)]
/a/ ‘Categories in Aristotle’, in DJ O’Meara (ed.), Studies in Aristotle, Studies in
Philosophy and History of Philosophy ': "–$*
[= "'(!a: $'–*(]
/b/ ‘On Galen’s Epistemology’, in V Nutton (ed.), Galen: Problems and Prospects,
London: &%–(&
[= "'(!a: $!'–#))]
‘-e Method of the So-Called Methodical School of Medicine’, in J Barnes et al.
(edd.), Science and Speculation, Cambridge: "–$#
[= "'(!a: $&"–$!(]
/a/ ‘Stoics and Skeptics on Clear and Distinct Impressions’, in M Burnyeat (ed.), !e
Sceptical Tradition, Berkeley: &%–'#
[= "'(!a: "%"–"!&]
/b/ ‘Titel, Einheit und Echtheit der aristotelischen Kategorienschri,’, in P Moraux
and J Wiesner (edd.), Zweifelha"es im Corpus Aristotelicum. Studien zu einigen
Dubia, Akten des '. Symposium Aristotelicum, Berlin: "–$'
[= "'(!a: ""–$( (in English)]
‘-e Sceptic’s Two Kinds of Assent and the Question of the Possibility of Knowledge’,
in R Rorty, J Schneewind, Q Skinner (edd.), Philosophy in History: Essays on the
Historiography of Philosophy, Cambridge: $%%–$!(
[= "'(!a: $)"–$$*]
/a/ (with R Walzer), Galen: !ree Treatises on the Nature of Science, Indianapolis
/b/ ‘Substance in Aristotle’s Metaphysics’, in A Gotthelf (ed.), Aristotle on Nature and
Living !ings, Pittsburgh PA: "!–$&
[= "'(!a: !$–()]
/a/ ‘Philosophy and Medicine in Antiquity’, in Human Nature and Natural
Knowledge: Essays Presented to Marjorie Grene, Dordrecht: $""–$#$
[= "'(!a: $$%–$*$]
/b/ ‘-e Stoic Doctrine of the A/ections of the Soul’, in M Scho.eld and G Striker
(edd.), !e Norms of Nature: Studies in Hellenistic Ethics, Cambridge: '#–"")
/a/ Essays in Ancient Philosophy, Oxford
[Includes "'!*b, "'!!, "'!(a/b, "'!', "'(), "'("a/b, "'($, "'(#a/b, "'(*, "'(%b,
"'(&, "'(!d/e/f]
Reviews—CR #( ("'((: $')–$'") Kerferd | %omist %# ("'(': %$$–%$!) Benitez | ModSch
&! ("'('–"''): "%%–"%!) Madigan | AncPhil ") ("''): "$#–"$!) Sharples | RSF *# ("'((:
!'!–())) Decleva Caizzi
/b/ ‘Numenius’, in W Haase (ed.), Aufstieg und Niedergang der Römischen Welt II.
#&.$, Berlin: ")#*–")!%
/e/ ‘Observations on Perception in Plato’s Later Dialogues’, in Frede "'(!a: #–(
/d/ ‘-e Ancient Empiricists’, in Frede "'(!a: $*#–$&)
/e/ ‘-e Unity of General and Special Metaphysics: Aristotle’s Conception of
Metaphysics’, in Frede "'(!a: ("–'%
/a/ (with G Patzig), Metaphysik Z#, $ vol., Munich
[= $))$a (in Italian)]
Reviews—PhRdschau #! ("''): '%–")') Schmitz | %&Ph &% ("''): *"(–*"') Ricken |
AGPh !$ ("''): $*$–$*() Ebert | JHPh $( ("''): &)$–&)%) Gill | BAGB ("''): *"$)
des+Places | ZPhF *% ("''": #)!–#)') DJ O’Meara | FZPh% #( ("''": *'&–%)$) Ambühl |
AncPhil "" ("''": #&"–#(%) Wedin | GGA $** ("''$: *"–%%) Brunschwig
/b/ ‘A Medieval Source of Modern Scepticism’, in R Claussen and R Daube-Schackat
(edd.), Gedankenzeichen. Festschri" für Klaus Oehler zum $%. Geburtstag, Tübingen:
/c/ ‘Being and Becoming in Plato’, Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy, suppl. vol.:
/d/ ‘-e Empiricist Attitude Towards Reason and -eory’, Apeiron $": !'–'!
/e/ ‘-e History of Philosophy as a Discipline’, !e Journal of Philosophy (%: &&&–&!$
/a/ ‘Chaeremon der Stoiker’, in W Haase (ed.), Aufstieg und Niedergang der
Römischen Welt II.#&.#, Berlin: $)&!–$")#
/b/ ‘Les origines de la notion de cause’, Revue de métaphysique et de morale '*: *(#–
[Translation of "'()]
/a/ ‘An Empiricist View of Knowledge: Memorism’, in S Everson (ed.), Epistemology:
Companions to Ancient !ought &, Oxford: $$%–$%)
/b/ ‘Fictions of Truth: -e Metropolitan Museum’s Velazquez Exhibition Revealed
His Exploration of the Paradoxes Involved in Representing Reality’, Arts Magazine
&*: &$–&&
/c/ ‘La teoría de las ideas de Longino’, Méthexis #: (%–'(
/d/ (with J Barnes and J Brunschwig), ‘Le propre de la prudence’, in R Brague and J-F
Courtine (edd.), Herméneutique et ontologie. Mélanges en hommage à Pierre
Aubenque, Paris: !'–'&
/e/ ‘-e De.nition of Sensible Substances in Metaphysics Z’, in D Devereux and P
Pellegrin (edd.), Biologie, logique et métaphysique chez Aristote, Paris: ""#–"$'
/a/ ‘Origen’s Treatise Against Celsus’, in M Edwards and M Goodman (edd.),
Apologetics in the Roman Empire, Oxford: "#"–"%&
/b/ ‘Eusebius’ Apologetic Writings’, ibidem, $$#–$%)
/a/ ‘Acera de la noción de sustancia en Aristóteles, otra vez’, Méthexis %: !'–'(
/b/ ‘Doxographie, historiographie philosophique et historiographie historique de la
philosophie’, Revue de métaphysique et de morale '!: #""–#$%
/c/ ‘Introduction’, in Plato: Protagoras, translated by S Lombardo and K Bell,
Indianapolis: vii–xxxiv
/d/ ‘On Aristotle’s Conception of the Soul’, in MC Nussbaum and AO Rorty (edd.),
Essays on Aristotle’s De anima, Oxford: '#–")!
[Revised version of "''#a]
/e/ ‘Plato’s Arguments and the Dialogue Form’, Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy,
suppl. vol.: Methods of Interpreting Plato and His Dialogues: $)"–$"'
/f/ ‘Plato’s Sophist on False Statements’, in R Kraut (ed.), Cambridge Companion to
Plato, Cambridge: #'!–*$*
/a/ ‘On Aristotle’s Conception of the Soul’, in RW Sharples (ed.), Modern !inkers
and Ancient !inkers: !e Stanley Victor Keeling Memorial Lectures at University
College London, &'(&–&''&, London: "#(–"%&
[Earlier version of "''$d]
/b/ ‘-e Stoic Doctrine of the Tenses of the Verb’, in K Döring and T Ebert (edd.),
Dialektiker und Stoiker. Zur Logik der Stoa und ihrer Vorläufer, Stuttgart: "*"–"%*
/a/ ‘Aristotle’s Notion of Potentiality in Metaphysics )’, in T Scaltas, D Charles, ML
Gill (edd.), Unity, Identity and Explanation in Aristotle’s Metaphysics, Oxford: "!#–
/b/ ‘Celsus philosophus Platonicus’, in W Haase (ed.), Aufstieg und Niedergang der
Römischen Welt II.#&.!, Berlin: %"(#–%$"#
/c/ ‘-e Stoic Conception of Reason’, in KJ Boudouris (ed.), Hellenistic Philosophy:
Volume II, Athens: %)–&#
/d/ ‘-e Stoic Notion of a Grammatical Case’, Bulletin of the Institute of Classical
Studies #': "#–$*
/e/ ‘-e Stoic Notion of a Lekton’, in S Everson (ed.), Language: Companions to
Ancient !ought *, Cambridge: ")'–"$(
/f/ review of JJE Gracia, Philosophy and Its History: Issues in Philosophical
Historiography, in Philosophy and Phenomenological Research %*: $##–$#&
‘Sein; Seiendes’, in Historisches Wörterbuch der Philosophie, vol. 9: Se–Sp, Basel:
/a/ (with G Striker) (edd.), Rationality in Greek !ought, Oxford
/b/ ‘Aristotle’s Rationalism’, in Frede–Striker: "%!–"!&
/c/ ‘Introduction’, in Frede–Striker: "–$(
/d/ ‘Die Frage nach dem Seienden. Sophistes’, in T Kobusch and B Mojsisch (edd.),
Platon. Seine Dialoge in der Sicht neuer Forschungen, Darmstadt: "("–"''
/e/ ‘La théorie aristotélicienne de l’intellect agent’, in G Romeyer Dherbey and
C+Viano (edd.), Corps et âme. Sur le De Anima d’Aristote, Paris: #!!–#')
/f/ ‘Figures du philosophe’, in J Brunschwig and GER Lloyd (edd.), Le savoir grec.
Dictionnaire critique, Paris: #'–%%
[= $)))e (in English); $)))f (in German); $)))g (in Spanish); $))%d (in Italian)]
/g/ ‘-e Literary Form of the Sophist’, in C Gill and MM McCabe (edd.), Form and
Argument in Late Plato, Oxford: "#%–"%"
/a/ ‘Celsus’ Attack on the Christians’, in J Barnes and M Gri0n (edd.), Philosophia
Togata II: Plato and Aristotle at Rome, Oxford: $"(–$*)
/b/ ‘Der Begri/ des Individuums bei den Kirchenvätern’, Jahrbuch für Antike und
Christentum *): #(–%*
/c/ ‘Euphrates of Tyre’, in R Sorabji (ed.), Aristotle and A"er, Bulletin of the Institute of
Classical Studies, suppl. &(, London: "–""
/d/ ‘1234 567 859:;<7>>?:@7 5?A @B@C?D’, +,-./0123 [Deukalion] "%: ("–")&
[= "'''e (in English)]
/e/ ‘E? >=? 2>F:@G=3?> B:@ 56> G:H?8?G4@ 567 I852367 J3K@:L565@7 [-e Mew
Nnterest in the Philosophy of Late Antiquity]’, 4356.789 [Indiktos] !: "*'–"')
/a/ (with P Athanassiadi) (edd.), Pagan Monotheism in Late Antiquity, Oxford
/b/ ‘Aëtiana’, Phronesis **: "#%–"*'
/c/ ‘Epilogue’, in K Algra et al. (edd.), !e Cambridge History of Hellenistic Philosophy,
Cambridge: !!"–!'!
/d/ ‘Monotheism and Pagan Philosophy in Later Antiquity’, in Frede–Athanassiadi:
/e/ ‘On the Stoic Conception of the Good’, in K Ierodiakonou (ed.), Topics in Stoic
Philosophy, Oxford: !"–'*
[Translation of "''!d]
/f/ ‘Stoic Epistemology’, in K Algra et al. (edd.), !e Cambridge History of Hellenistic
Philosophy, Cambridge: $'%–#$$
/g/ ‘-e Sceptics’, in D Furley (ed.), Routledge History of Philosophy, vol. $: From
Aristotle to Augustine, London: $%#–$(&
/a/ (with D Charles) (edd.), Aristotle’s Metaphysics Lambda, Oxford
/b/ ‘Introduction’, in Charles–Frede: "–%$
/c/ ‘Metaphysics O "’, ibidem: %#–()
/d/ ‘Numenios von Apameia’, in Der Neue Pauly. Enzyklopädie der Antike, vol. (:
Mer–Op, Stuttgart: ")%)–")%$
/e/ ‘-e Philosopher’, in J Brunschwig and GER Lloyd (edd.), Greek !ought: A Guide
to Classical Knowledge, Cambridge MA: #–"&
[= "''&f (in French)]
/f/ ‘Die Gestalt des Philosophen’, in J Brunschwig and GER Lloyd (edd.), Das Wissen
der Griechen. Eine Enzyklopädie, Munich: #!–%"
[= "''&f (in French)]
/g/ ‘Figuras del .lósofo’, in J Brunschwig and GER Lloyd (edd.), El saber griego.
Diccionario crítico, Madrid: ##–*%
[= "''&f (in French)]
/a/ (with G Patzig), Il libro Z della Meta.sica di Aristotele, Milan
[Translation of "'(!b]
/b/ ‘John of Damascus on Human Action, the Will, and Human Freedom’, in
K+Ierodiakonou (ed.), Byzantine Philosophy and Its Ancient Sources, Oxford: &#–'%
‘Galen’s -eology’, in J Barnes and J Jouanna (edd.), Galien et la philosophie,
Entretiens sur l’Antiquité classique *', Vandoeuvres: !#–"$'
‘Aristotle’s Account of the Origins of Philosophy’, Rhizai ": '–**
/a/ ‘Les Catégories d’Aristote et les Pères de l’Église grecs’, in O Bruun and L Corti
(edd.), Les Catégories et leur histoire, Paris: "#%–"!#
/b/ ‘Sur la théologie stoïcienne’, in G Romeyer Dherbey and J-B Gourinat (edd.), Les
stoïciens, Paris: $"#–$#$
/c/ (interview with M Frede by F Zika), ‘P :F:95:;L565@ 856> @3K@:L565@ [Privacy in
ancient times]’, Cogito #: $'–#"
/d/ ‘Figure di .losofo’, in J Brunschwig and GER Lloyd (edd.), Il sapere greco.
Dizionario critico, Turin
[= "''&f (in French)]
/a/ ‘-e Early Christian Reception of Socrates’, in L Judson and V Karasmanis (edd.),
Remembering Socrates: Philosophical Essays, Oxford: "((–$)$
/b/ ‘-e Study of Ancient Philosophy’, in M van Ackeren and J Müller (edd.), Antike
Philosophie verstehen. Understanding Ancient Philosophy, Darmstadt: #*–%#
[= "'(!a: ix–xxvii]
/a/ ‘A Notion of a Person in Epictetus’, in T Scaltsas and AS Mason (edd.), !e
Philosophy of Epictetus, Oxford: "%#–168
/b/ ‘On the Unity and the Aim of the Derveni Text’, Rhizai *: '–##
/a/ ‘Aristotle on Science and Metaphysics’, in D Sfendoni-Mentzou (ed.), :608;8<1 br="">723 =>6;7?@A3, Jthens: '–$'
/b/ ‘Aristotle on -inking’, Rhizai &: $(!–#)"
‘Syrianus on Aristotle’s Metaphysics’, in A Longo (ed.), Syrianus et la métaphysique de
l’antiquité tardive, Naples, $#–%&
A Free Will: Origins of the Notion in Ancient !ought, Sather Classical Lectures, vol.
&(, edited by AA Long, with a foreword by DL Sedley, Berkeley

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