The Grice Club


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Thursday, January 28, 2010

In Grice We Trust

Much has been written about Grice's Maxim of Quality

Be trustful.

But what did the Anglo-Saxons mean by that? True and trust are cognate. The problem with Grice, as with God, is Godsip, Gossip.

Since the time when linguists and philosphers could only quote from mimeos, gossip surrounded Grice like the plague.

He was _held_ to be holding this or that view.

Grice saw his-self as divine on occasions. He labels his-self a (Pro)Genitor (or Pirots). By bestowing on his-self such a position, he is able to _see_ things.

While people think he was an atheist, he was. His father too. His father went by "non-conformism" but he was a closet atheist. Grice's mother was properly C. of E. But his prim and proper Aunt Matilda was a Catholic convert, if you believe that!

--- Grice would not read the bible, but he has some colourful quotes on Moses, etc. And he uses Bunyan's Pilgrim's Progress imagery as he sees his-self on the way to the Holy of Hollies.

He meant to write a book, "From Genesis to Revelation", a methodology of metaphysics. Unfortunately he was called to higher service and deprived us of his amazing grice in saying and implying things.


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