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Sunday, January 31, 2010


From an online source:

"I'll do it elseway." Why not? We riffed awhile, figuring that if 'elsewhere" is OK, why not 'elsewho" or "elsewhen" or elsewhy?" At the speed at which I speak, these linguistic fender-benders are bound to occur, the tongue missing the curve, scraping the rail, giving birth to sparks, new life. Creativity is everything. Elsehow is no way to live."

--- One problem with "elsewhy" seems to be that

Factively, or factually, there seems to be only ONE why-explanation that is valid. But I´m not sure about this.

For consider Grice, Method in Philosophical Psychology -- final sections, as repr. in Conception of Value.

An explanation of Grice´s stratchng his head, for example, can be given

neurophysiologically, chemically, physically, and quantum-atomically.

This scope of levels, Grice calls C.

But then it can also be given "psychologically", in terms of Grice´s goal in scratching his head -- to relieve the itch, as it where.

This new scope, Grice calls C´.

Grice is wanting to say that

C -- provides a why.

C´ -- provides an elsewhy.


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