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Sunday, January 31, 2010

Kitz Katz (Grice on Katz on Grice)

Thanks to L. Tapper replying to L. Kramer. Indeed, as Katz, of New Jersey would do: write anonymous (context-insensitive) letters to 'friends':



For them to Montagovian as they pleased.


Jerrold J. Katz, semanticist and philosopher, died in Manhattan on 7
February 2002. That was a Friday, right? He was Distinguished Professor in Philosophy and Linguistics at the Graduate Center of the City University of New York. This center caters for graduates, only.

Katz knew Grice well, more than we can say the reverse held, alas.

In "Common sense in semantics", for example, in E. Lepore, 1987, Katz cares to cite Grice (1968) on meaning cited on pp. 165ff

it's not clear if what we mean is what _Grice_ means.

And on p. 176ff,

Grice/Strawson 'In defense of a dogma'.

Katz's claim to infame was to think that 'analytic' CAN be defined 'anonymously'!

In 1976, Katz/Langendoen, as cited by Gazdar 1979:42, Katz is all about the "special notion of conversational implicature" as being "eliminable":

"An utterer of 'x' conversationally
implicates that p in saying that x
in the context C (!) just in

(a) PRAGM [hypothetical function]
assigns the reading R as
its output
for a structural description of S
& appropriate info about C &

(b) the proposition represented
by R -> [semantically -- truth-conditionally --
entails] P.

Kitz Katz at her best!

Gazdar comments: [sadly?], this "obliterates" Grice's "fundamental
distinction between implicating and explicating" (saying).

And almost undermines the whole purpose of this club!

A bibliography of J. J. Katz is a good thing to consider:

1957. Review of Chomksy, _Syntactic Structures_, Lg 33

1962. The problem of induction and its solution.
this is a joke on the bad chapter of Strawson,
Introduction to logical theory.
"the problem of induction is no problem".

1962. JA Fodor/Katz.

1963. JA Fodor/Katz.

1964. JA Fodor/Katz.

1964. Semisentences. In Katz/Fodor.

1964. & P M Postal. An integrated theory of linguistic ability. Cambridge,
Mass: Research Monog. 26.

1964. Analyticity and contradiciton in natural language. In Fodor/Katz
1964. JA Fodor/JJK, eds.

1965. Semantic theory and the meaning of 'good'. Journal of Philosophy 61.
A joke on Grice, WoW -- cfr. My "Reluctant Cannibal" in R. Vanegas's files, somewhre.
"Some say, wrongly, that 'x is good' means 'I commend x'" (Grice WoW:i)

1966. The philosophy of language. Harper.

1967. Recent issues in semantic theory. FL 3

1967. Some remarks on Quine on analyticity. JL 64
(cfr. H. P. Grice/Strawson 'In defense of a dogma')

Recall the two brilliant examples by this double act:

My neighbour's three-year old child
understands Russell's theory of type

expectable conversational move:
"And my child is Rudolf Nureyev"

My neighbour's three-year old child
is an adult.

expectable conversational move:
"And you are not".

1969. Unpalatable recipes for buttering parsnips. Journal of Philosophy 65.

1970. Interpretive semantics meets Frankenstein. FL 7

1970. Interpretive vs. generative semantics. LI 2
(i.e. Chomsky-Jackendoff vs. Mccawley-Ross
[deep structure = semantic interpretation]

1971. The philosophical relevance of linguistic theory. In Searle.

1971. Linguistic philosophy. Allen & Unwin.

1971. Generative semantics _is_ interpretive semantics. LI 2

1971. The underlying reality of language and its philosophical impact.

1972. Semantic theory. Harper.

1972. Some things Kuhn never told us. Cited by Chomksy in Peters.
(C'm on -- he was not _gay_, was he?)(I read today, actually Momma told me, Salinger died yesterday --).

1972. Logic and language: an examination of recent criticisms of

1973. On defining presupposition. LI 4.
A joke on Strawson. See my "Robbing Peter to pay Paul"
For Grice, 'presupposes' reduces to 'implicates', WoW:xvii

1973. Tacit knowledge. Journal of Philosophy 70.
cfr. Grice _against_ subterranean knowledge, in Reply to Richards.

1974. Mentalism in Linguistics. Lg 40

1974. Meaning postulates & semantic theory. With R. Nagel. FL 11 cfr. Carnap.

1974. Where things now stand with the analytic/synthetic distinction?
Synthese 28.
I thought they were sitting. Such a bore!

1975. A. N. Chomsky/Katz

1975. The neo-classical theory of reference. In French & al.

1975. Logic and language: a defense of intensionalism. Minesotta St Ph Sc 8

1976. Pragmatics and presupposition. Lg 52 (with DT Langendoen)

1976. T G Bever, JJK and DT Langendoen.

1977. Propositional structure & illocutionary force:
a study of the contribution of sentence meaning
to speech acts. Harverster.

1977. A proper theory of names. Phil St. 31

1977. TG Bever & JJK.

1978. The theory of semantic representation. Erkenntnis 13.

1979. A solution to the projection problem of presupposition.
In Dinnen/Oh

1980. Chomsky on meaning. Lg 56.

1981. Language & other abstract objects. Blackwell.

1981. The linguist as mathematician. Platonist linguistic theory.
Linguistic theory and general scientific methodology.

1981. Literal meaning and linguistic theory. Journal of Philosophy 77.

1985. Cogitations. OUP.

1985. ed. The philosophy of linguistics. Oxford Readings in Philosophy.
Includes his own, 'Some notes on what linguistics is about'.

1987. Common sense in semantics. In E. Lepore, New directions in semantics.

So you see he got more and more abstract with the years, and then he died. R. I. P.

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