The Grice Club


The Grice Club

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Is Grice the greatest philosopher that ever lived?

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Friday, January 29, 2010

"he was missing some teeth" (Grice Remembered -- by indiscreet Quine)

That my marginalia to Chapman caring to quote that most indiscreet of men: Quine.

Picture being invited by Grice to Oxford (St. John's) and later write in your acid memoires:

"Paul was shabby... His white hair was sparse and stringy, he was missing some teeth, and his clothes interested him little."

Yet he was a genius that Quine wasn't.

At least he's not being hyperbolically as C. (olin) McGinn goes in _his_ memoirs when he states, falsely, "He had only one tooth".

Why must philosophers be so _bitter_, nasty, and stupidly godsippy? Is that the way to prove they are clever? Well, they ain't!

1 comment:

  1. Must say I like Quine's point about Grice not being interested by his own clothes. Is the implicature that he was interested in other people's clothes? clothes on display? Or that he'd rather OTHERS be interested in _HIS_ clothes?! Narcissistic!
