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Friday, January 29, 2010

"flintier experience": Grice and Austin -- Round II

My marginalia on Chapman, p. 61

"Grice would know that he had won an argument with Austin in one of their joint public seminars when Austin would NOT return to it the following week" (or words).

As Warnock reminisces, "They were friends _on Saturday mornings_. Grice can testify that anyone _arguing_ with Austin _publicly_ as the Satuday mornings were _not_ was an altogether flintier experience".

Another marginalia to a later Austinian ref.

"They spent the autumn of 1959 analysing Chomsky's _Syntactic Structures_"

and then he died. (Austin, in 1960). Bitter.

1 comment:

  1. Lay the blame on the Oxonian tutorial system. There are so different 'deidaktic' scenarios in Oxford: tutor-tuttee, Saturday morning meeting, seminar, you name it!
