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Saturday, July 17, 2010

Grice unbowlderised

When I was reading Schiffer's book, "Meaning", which transpired from his DPhil Oxon under Strawson on Grice's 'vagaries', I was amused by the anecdote that Grice meant his William James lecture example to go unbowlderised.

The example reads:

Grice is wanting to refute Searle on the "American officer kept by Italian troops who says, "Kennst du das land wo die Zitronen bluhen" to mean, 'I am a German officer"". Grice writes:

"Consider the following example. The propietor
of a shop full of knicknacks"

---- the madam of a brothel in the non-bowdlerised version reported by Schiffer --

"for tourists is standing in his [her] doorway
in Port Said, sees a British visitor, and in
dulcet tones and with an alluring smile says to
him the Arabic for 'You pig of an Englishman'. I should
be quite inclined to say that [she] had meant
that the visitor was to come in, or something
of that sort"

-------- Why, you ARE a stud!


"I would not, of course, be IN THE LEAST inclined
to say that [she] had meant by the WORDS which
[she] uttererd that the visitor was to come in."


(So, Grice concludes, "To point out that the German LINE means not 'I am a German officer' but 'Knowest thou the land where the lemon trees bloom?"' is NOT relevant").

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