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Sunday, October 17, 2010


From today's World Wide Words, ed. M. Quinion:

"Weird Word: Aposematic. I came across the word in an article about Bristol Zoo, which has
set up an amphibian sanctuary to breed two endangered species. One
of them is the golden mantella frog native to Madagascar, which is
a brilliant golden-orange. The colours are aposematic, referring to
the bright markings or hues exhibited by some living creatures to
warn predators that they are poisonous. (The frog cheats: it isn't
toxic but the colours fool its enemies into thinking it is. Some
writers restrict "aposematic" to such false warnings.)
Though this is common enough in the biological sciences, it's not
often encountered elsewhere. Here's a rare example:
A gigantic bird of prey was descending on him, its
claws outstretched. Its aposematic wings were spread
wide, as wide as the field itself. Looking up in shock,
Hungaman saw how fanciful the wings were, fretted at the
edges, iridescent, bright as a butterfly's wings and as
[Aboard the Beatitude, by Brian W Aldiss, 2002.]
The word is from classical Greek, based on "sema", a sign, which
also appears in "polysemous", the coexistence of many possible
meanings for a word or phrase, and "semantic", relating to meaning
in language or logic. The prefix "apo-" means "away, off, from"."

Griceian application.

Grice wanted to get rid of 'semantic' (technical verbosity he associated with Peirce). Instead, he talked of 'mean'. But 'mean' tends to be 'factive':

"Those black clouds mean rain".

A cloud aposemantic?


Grice was very careful about this. His lectures on Peirce are still unpublished. They belong to the heyday of Oxonian love with the English language, and so they offer a defense for short Anglo-Saxon vernacularisms (like 'mean') rather than '... is an index', "is a non-factively semanticiser of...' and so on, but it's always fair to play! And fun too!

Grice, Studies in the Way of Words.
Grice, "Meaning", in WoW
Grice, "Meaning Revisited", in WoW.
Grice, "Lectures on Peirce, Theory of Signs". Oxford. Bancroft Grice Collection, Bancroft Library, UC/Berkeley. Dated 1946.
Hart, H. L. A. Review of Holloway, "Words and Signs" -- review of Holloway, Language and Intelligence, Philosophical Quarterly, 1952 -- crediting Grice's distinctions.

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