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Saturday, June 26, 2010

Yet another of Grice's students: North

for the GC

-- from the online obituary of North:

"After leaving Batley Grammar School, he

went up to Merton College, Oxford, to read

the subject and later took an external

degree in Mathematics, Physics and Astronomy

at London University. At Oxford, though, he

switched to Philosophy, Politics, and Economics, and

attended lectures by Gilbert Ryle and the

seminars of JL Austin and HP Grice as well as

seminars on Logic by Peter Strawson and William Kneale."


From the wiki entry of this Cheltenham-born author:

"His first book was The Measure of the Universe: a History of Modern Cosmology (1965), which was praised as "a virtually complete history of modern cosmology"[1]."

"Not long after he started studying medieval science as he had been appointed librarian and assistant curator of the Museum of the History of Science, Oxford."

"He wrote two books on mediaeval scientist and mathematician Richard of Wallingford."


The Measure of the Universe: a History of Modern Cosmology (1965)

Horoscopes and History (1968)

Richard Wallingford: an edition of his writings (1976)

Chaucer's Universe (1988)

Cosmos, a revision and expansion of his Fontana History of Astronomy and Cosmology (1994)

Stonehenge: Neolithic man and the cosmos (1996)

The Ambassadors' Secret: Holbein and the world of the Renaissance (2002)

God's Clockmaker: Richard of Wallingford and the invention of time (2005)

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