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Thursday, April 29, 2010

Grice and the City of Eternal Truth


In fact this notion is so central that readers are invited to drop by to our blog, with Jones, entitled, "The City of Eternal Truth" at:


What is the City of Eternal Truth?

Note that 'the' is very important (cfr. "The Salt Lake City"). While the name of the blog is

"The City of Eternal Truth"

the web address is just


no 'the'. Sorry for the loose language!


In any case:

"I'm going to Salt Lake City for spring break".

It would be otiose to say,

"I'm going to the Salty Lake City for spring break".

Similarly, we say,

"Congress is otiose. One should burn it."

rather than:

"The Congress is otiose. One should burn it."

The 'the' is otiose, most of 'the' times.



So what IS the City.

God knows!


  1. While we have no idea what Grice means, Jones, typically, puts it: "Carnap approach to this is somewhat different".

    For Jones, Carnap sees the City from the Start. Had we such eyes!

  2. The City is possibly up in a hill. The demons that surround Grice (lucky him, he has Carnap as his Virgil) raise from the depths of Hell to the City.

    It is the city of eternal truths. These were denied existence by Quine -- he denied existence to most things of import, including Pegasus --.

    Impressed by Grice, Grice sees just ONE "Eternal Truth" ('Do not multiply eternal truths beyond necessity').

    And the truth is ...





